Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Is Fundamentally Flawed the best single-issue blog ever? Science says yes!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hey, ladies, remember that dude who cussed you out last weekend? You know, the one who came up to you when you were talking with your friends at the bar or walking to the grocery store, aiming to bless you with his hideous presence – the one who, when you ignored him or laughed at […]
Here are two things I love: Mad Men and Mean Girls. It is permissible to love one of these things, but not the other, and I will let you guess which one is which. The thing is, I love both of them for the same reason, and that reason is that they are both about […]
The new Britney Spears video is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever seen. I know, I know, “why did you watch it?!? why are you even talking about it?!?!” But I think that it is actually notably stupid, like, this is what the third wave would look like if we all got together and listened […]
Read the last panel of this comic. Now, tell yourself I should not be saying those precise words every day of my life. That’s right! You can’t! Because it is true – I should be. Additional Fact: every time I think about posting a link to this blog on Facebook, I have this exact conversation […]
Leaving aside, for the moment, the pun-heavy “that’s what she said” style of this article, I am disappointed to note that the two “thugs” who robbed a Canadian sex toy store did not take any of the Hitachis. How can you pull a vibrator heist and not steal any Hitachis? Dudes*, your girlfriends are going […]
Thursday, October 9, 2008
You know, we can spend all day talking about “recaps” versus “reviews,” and adults reading YA lit, and nostalgia, and triviablogging, and whether those are good things or just a sign of how our generation has infantilized itself. OR – and this is the preferred option, here – we can just celebrate the fact that […]
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
1. Camille Paglia is still hilariously crazy. On Sarah Palin’s speech patterns: As a lover of poetry (my last book was about that), I savor every kind of experimentation with standard English — beginning with Shakespeare, who was the greatest improviser of them all at a time when there were no grammar rules. Many others […]
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yesterday, I tried to write a post about this incident, in which a girl (on my street) was raped in a subway station while the man working the token booth watched. I tried to talk about this incident in the context of my own rape, and the prevalence of rape, and the context of our […]
Hey, you know what the world needs? A movie about a sensitive dude who hooks up with a sassy chick while listening to some of today’s hottest indie bands! Well, fortunately for the sensitive and/or sassy among us, such a film has been released, and it promises to redefine love for our generation. I speak, […]