As you may have known, I spent much time these past two weeks protesting what I saw as irresponsible coverage of the Julian Assange case. Saying, for example, that these two women were far-flung agents of the CIA, or some other secret government agency, planted in the hopes of luring him in as “honeypots” and then framing him with the always-successful, always-easily-prosecuted, never-frequently-scoffed-at-and-minimized-and-dismissed means of DATE RAPE CLAIMS: I argued that this was misogynist, framed in the profound cultural desire to disbelieve in, minimize, and demean the actual rate of and damage done by rape that we refer to, in the not-using-several-words-when-you-could-use-two circles, as “rape apologism,” and also, coincidentally, just not basically rooted in any damn evidence at all. And also, not coincidentally, pretty much no-one reporting on the case seemed to know a damn thing about Sweden aside from as a place of surreal straight-dude nightmare fuel, as for example the many confusing claims that it is a country aimed pretty much entirely at criminalizing awesome heterosexual intercourse, where women routinely put men in jail for holding their hands at the movies, due possibly to the fact that their only elected official is Resurrected Zombie Andrea Dworkin, and also if you try to conceive a baby there via condomless sex your boyfriend will be executed with a rusty axe in a back alley. (He is not your husband. Marriage, as we all know, is illegal in Sweden.)
But regretfully, I must now admit that I was wrong to protest. And, as all responsible ladybusiness bloggers must do, I must now offer you a full apology, and retraction. I now have every reason to believe that the Swedish government has conspired with these two women against Assange. For shocking new video has come to light, of a Swedish government official violently THREATENING JULIAN ASSANGE’S VERY LIFE!!! Click below for this never before-seen footage!
… Oh. Oh, shit. That’s a turtle?
Well, never mind. That’s fine. For shocking new video has come to light, of a Swedish government official violently THREATENING JULIAN ASSANGE’S VERY LIFE, whereupon Julian Assange and the Swedish government official shockingly COME TO A MOVING AND MUSICAL RECONCILIATION!!!!!!
… Oh. Oh, shit. That’s Big Bird.
Well, you know, it’s cool. It’s not like I have any special reason to make sure this stuff is accurate or even marginally not-nonsensical, before I tell you that it happened. Anyway, this is Sady Doyle, signing off, reminding you to ALWAYS do EXACTLY as much thinking as 99.9% of the paid news people and random Internet commenting dudes who show up to tell you exactly what is really, undoubtedly, not-shitting-you-I’m-sure-this-is-factual TRUE about the ongoing investigation of Julian Assange.
… Everyone in Sweden is still a Muppet, right? I mean, I didn’t screw that one up.
… Right?
Have a very merry Christmas, Sady. You deserve it π
Yep. Muppets. All of us. π
I LOVE Muppets!! I’m moving to Sweden!
Wait…so Julian Assange’s accusers were planted by The Count? It all makes sense now…
“Let’s see how many rape accusations I can frame on Assange. One rape accusation, ha ha ha! Two accusations, ha ha ha!”
“due possibly to the fact that their only elected official is Resurrected Zombie Andrea Dworkin” = EPIC WIN.
A very merry Christmas, Sady!
Merry Christmas Sady. Take care of yourself!
Keith, brilliant. And yes, Sady, 100% of the Swedish peoples I know are muppets, so there you go.
Sady roasted them in bunska-bunska.
Happy Christmas, Sady! ~bork-bork-bork~
XD @ 5
They need to bring back the Muppets.
Merry Christmas Sady!
Merry Christmas, Sady! Thanks to you I got to set my uncle right on the Assange case at Christmas dinner yesterday.
Merry Christmas! Anyone else see this comment from Assange:
“Mr Assange regards himself as a victim of radicalism. “Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism,” he said. “I fell into a hornets’ nest of revolutionary feminism.”” [TW for descriptions of sexual assault]
Any lingering doubts are gone – at the very least he is guilty of being a class-A whining mysoginist
also: a merry christmas and happy new year to you.
@AndyG — “The Saudi Arabia of feminism”? WTF does that even mean? Possibilities:
1. Swedish feminism has camels
2. Swedish feminism has controversial US military bases in it
3. Swedish feminism is the home of two great holy cities
4. Swedish feminism is ruled by a hereditary monarchy
5. Swedish feminism is situated over massive oil deposits
6. The ruling elites of Swedish feminism are fabulously wealthy
7. Swedish feminism has a strict & ruthlessly enforced dress code
Any other thoughts? Because I’m voting for #1 at the moment. Feminism with camels would be awesome.
Why is there so much snow outside? Is Julian Assange wikileaking Sweden’s classified snow all over New York?!
The Swedish tourism board (or whatever) needs to get right on that. So many great slogan possibilities!
“Sweden: Where men are men and women ride camels.”
“Sweden: Our feminism has ruminants. Ruminants that spit.”
“Sweden: Home of ice-skating feminist dromedaries.”
“Sweden: Our feminists aren’t ball-busters; the camels do it for them.”
nice way to ridicule humorously.
you kick ass and call it as you see it. keep doing it!!!
@Other Becky – Well, I’m sorry to say, Swedish feminism (or feminists at least) IS ruled by hereditary monarchy, just like the Saudi version.
But I digress. I’m not here to discuss the tragic fact that we still have monarchy in Sweden.
I read somewhere on a tumblr blog something along the lines of: If Sweden does NOT ask for rapists in general to be extradited then the Assange thing seems fishy for that reason if nothing else.
A little ol’ two minute googling led me to previous examples of Sweden asking for someone who was accused of rape to be extradited to Sweden. And they were “ordinary rapers”. No international men of mystery.
(And since I can’t comment on tumblr blogs I just spraypainted the first related post I found. Sorry about that. I just had to get it out there).
Merry Christmas!
I want camels with my feminism! Where are my freakin’ camels?
βLetβs see how many rape accusations I can frame on Assange. One rape accusation, ha ha ha! Two accusations, ha ha ha!β <—- This is the best thing I've ever read.
@AndyG — “The Saudi Arabia of feminism”? WTF does that even mean? Possibilities: 1. Swedish feminism has camels 2. Swedish feminism has controversial US military bases in it 3. Swedish feminism is the home of two great holy cities 4. Swedish feminism is ruled by a hereditary monarchy 5. Swedish feminism is situated over massive oil deposits 6. The ruling elites of Swedish feminism are fabulously wealthy 7. Swedish feminism has a strict & ruthlessly enforced dress code Any other thoughts? Because I’m voting for #1 at the moment. Feminism with camels would be awesome.
We need more victims of radical feminism.
Folks, the people at World Can’t Wait’s Facebook page waited a week after I shamed them into stopping their rape apology and are right back at it now. If anyone wants to assist, I’d appreciate it.