“Trust me to end up working in the only industry in the world where women get paid more than men, and treated loads better,” he told the Sunday Times Style. “We’re trying to change that. In the hierarchy of a shoot, you have the photographer, the female model, the stylists, the assistants, then the male model. You are the lowest of the low.”
The person who wrote those words is obviously in a very dark place, emotionally. I mean Jesus people, he’s being treated worse that a woman. I don’t know. I think we might want to call off Feminism. His name is David Gandy, and he is paid a lot of money to be in front of cameras while they are taking pictures:
I think we can all agree that that is a pretty great head start, for David Gandy. Not to mention that we are all sitting here, acknowledging the existence of the very famous and handsome David Gandy, as David Gandy complains that the ladies are just treated too well in fashion, which is demonstrably false. Women are treated like disposable dolls in fashion, they surrender their bodies to its tyrannical standards of beauty and get very little in return. So David Gandy is essentially saying that as an attractive white dude, he’s unhappy with the small amount of respect the fashion industry pays these women it will end up tossing aside once they’ve expired.
David Gandy, next time you’d like to tell us how hard it is being hot and famous
Poor bunny! The heart weeps.
I’m planning a telethon for Mr. Gantry and all the other male models who aren’t treated in the manner that other white, gorgeous men have grown accustomed. Seriously, won’t someone think of the male models?
Do you know what he needs?
Or, even better, how about Hot Male Model spend one day exchanging his place with a retail sales clerk? He’ll learn REAL quickly how unfairly it is possibly to be treated in the workplace.
Orange mocha Frappuchinos. Well-played, Nanasha.
OMG sassy gay friend! I am going to use that image macro for EVERYTHING.
Or we could put him in Customer Service for one day, where no one can see him pout his pretty lips!
OK let me just rephrase that for a minute
In the hierarchy of a shoot, you have the photographer, the female model, the stylists, the assistants, then the male model, then the unpaid interns, then the manager of the space where we’re shooting, then his/her assistants and unpaid interns, then the janitorial staff, then the dudes who drove the trucks that shipped in the clothes, then the people who work at the airport where the clothes were shipped in, then the people who work on the airplane, then the people who loaded the airplane, then the people who run the factory where the clothes were sewn, then the factory workers who sewed the clothes…”
He is welcome to trade jobs with me. To quote that Bette Midler song whose title I can’t remember right now, “My face is my fortune; that’s why I’m totally broke.” 😛
Paula, I’ve known some really sweet, cool, and smart male models. Just because this dude is a douchebag doesn’t mean that all male models are. You can’t generalize about the whole of a profession like that. Dude is pretty much solely responsible for his own douchebagginess!
I’m sorry, I could only think of “The Boulder is conflicted–!”
@Nanasha Lol!!!! awesome. And I really loved this post.
Keep it classy dude, keep it classy.
But it is actually true that male models are paid less then female models.
But still, he couldn’t sounds more like a douche even if he tried.
Male models are payed less. They work in one of the few niches where the primacy of female attractiveness over everything is rewarded accordingly; the world’s tiniest violin plays just for him. It’s still not really fair and perhaps by forming unions or campaigning for changes in the labor laws as some female models are doing in order to improve their working conditions he could push the industry to more equitable practices. Or he could just be a douche and blame the wemmenz.
But it is actually true that male models are paid less then female models.
Hmmm. Anywhere in the neighborhood of $.78/$1.00?
At least that picture managed to capture the depths of his tortured soul…
It’s just the fact that he freely admits that he is is the ONLY industry IN THE WORLD (that isn’t the ‘sex industry’) where women get paid more than men, but the tragedy is that he is getting paid less than the female models. That’s the problem, right there. Yup. That’s the fundamentally unfair thing going on.
Emilybites: YES. THIS.
Haha, this is gold. His world must be so small !
@Aoede: Me too. Although, to be fair, The Boulder narrates a lot of my thoughts.
It’s like, it might be unfair, but I can’t help but interpret his statements as meaning he’s pissed off that the fashion industry doesn’t give men an unfair advantage as well.
Wow, just when I think I couldn’t love you any more, you go and use a Sassy Gay Friend gif!
<3 to infinity!
Hmmm could it be ’cause teh gays rule the fashion world and somehow don’t feel that special bond of brotherhood with all the other men (why would that be?)…?
And yet, even in the modeling industry in which he is purportedly so oppressed, he is wearing his male privilege on his arm in the form of that delicious, rugged manlyman scar. Have you -Ever- seen a female model sporting a scar? Or body hair? (Or brow lines? Granted, photoshop is responsible for their absence generally.)
Nah. So maybe the female models get paid more because the standard of beauty they’re expected to reach requires a shit load more work than the lackadaisical “come-as-you-are” look male models are allowed.
Noblerat, you and your use of logic! How many times have I told you not to do that?! CHICKEN SHAME ON YOU.
And also, to some people here defending this guy with the inexcusable excuse “Men do make less than women!” Seriously? Seriously? Last time I checked, men in Fashion were doing just FINE, as they were the ones who were running the show. Men are the ones who set the standards of beauty, men are the ones who tell us how to wear our hair, what colors of makeup to use for our face, etc etc. It’s all WHITE MEN at the end of the day. Yeah, those ads might have a female face on it, but that female face also gets photoshopped, tweaked, and mangled and assembled in all kinds of manners. It’s already been covered here by better people than me, but it’s mind boggling you guys would sit here and somehow, CONVENIENTLY, forget that. And in all honesty, I don’t get why a guy would want that kind of torture and stigma. Patriarchy obviously hurts men too, but women are the ones who get placed on the backburner here.
And as a model, as a model, he makes more than the average person. If he’s going to bitch about not making enough money, he should prioritize and branch out into different mediums, which is what a lot of models already do.
If you to one of the last pics in the gallery you’ll see her forearms are coevered with scars. Not defending the guy here,I think what he said is fucked up. Just wanted to post it ’cause I find it interesting,first time I saw a model with such scars.Now,how far she’ll go is another question