It’s been a while since we did a roundup updating y’all on our fabulous doings, so, here we go!
Emily just made an international move and she’s settling in, but she still had time to write a great piece about the turn towards austerity in Australia.
Flavia co-founded Space Invaders, ‘a collective that seeks to explore power, discourse, belonging, the politics of emotion and identity in Europe with a focus on the intersections of race, class, gender, ability and sexualities.’ You will want to bookmark it if you haven’t already.
She also collaborated on a play, ‘Goat in a Can,’ which is part of ‘West Words,’ a new series of interdisciplinary artworks sponsored by Amsterdam’s Foundation of Literary Activities and Podium Mozaiek. You can catch it on 30 October at Podium Mozaiek Amsterdam, more details here.
Garland Grey’s ‘The Whitest Show On TV’ was crossposted on Racialicious and there’s a great discussion in comments going on there!
Sady’s been writing up a storm at In These Times, and especially loves her summer pieces on vulnerability and our collective fetish for female trainwrecks.
s.e. has been nominated for a Women’s Media Center Social Media Award, and you should go vote. Also, tell your friends. Please and thank you.
What are YOU all up to, gentle readers?
Thanks for this roundup, s.e.!
I very excitedly voted for you, but I thought you might like to know that while the voting link you provided is certainly very interesting (PSY’s “Gangnam Style” And “Gangnam Oppa” In “Architecture 101″ (1)), it definitely isn’t the polling page (
And congratulations to Sady for winning it last year!
Agh, thank you, April! This is what comes of having too many tabs open at once.
Here’s what’s up with ME! Finishing my book, The Wild Woman’s Guide to Social Media! Aw. Yeah. 🙂 Finally! After like 2 years of writing it!
Thanks for asking!