Writing a book titled Snark: It’s Mean, It’s Personal, and It’s Ruining Our Conversation is like writing a book titled Keying My Car: It’s the Wrong Thing to Do, or Why Flaming Bags of Dog Poop on My Doorstep Just Aren’t Funny.
We’re bored, we hate it here (“here” being the culture at large, I guess), and he’s making it way too easy. (“The most gifted writer of snark in the country!” Is how he describes Maureen Dowd!!!) Yeah, it is probably immature and non-productive to poke fun at Denby. Then again, if he wants to avoid it, he should perhaps practice the tactic used by the above-quoted reviewer, Adam Sternbergh: being right.
Okay, so: I guess I think that mean humor is a valid tool of media criticism? Also, you should, in fact, worry about being a boring guy in a sweater. You should worry hard.