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SEXIST BEATDOWN: What We GChat About When We GChat About Love Edition

You know, ladies: We talk about a lot of stuff, here on the Tiger Beatdown. We talk about rape culture! We talk about reproductive rights! We talk about who is The Best Feminist on TV! But there’s one serious issue we haven’t talked about: How are you ever going to get a MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN????

No, for real. We want to talk about how you are ever going to get a man, today. It’s a more serious feminist issue than you might think! Or: I pretend it is, and then Amanda Hess of The Sexist plays along with me! For we were inspired — INSPIRED, I say — by Jaclyn Friedman’s excellent interview at The Sexist (hi!) on Fucking While Feminist, and Jill Filipovic’s equally excellent follow-up at, uh, Feministe (HI) on Dating While Feminist, to discuss the pressing matter of the Feminist Dating Litmus Test. And then we talked about hamburgers, and our boyfriends! FACTS: If two straight women convene together for serious and professional reasons of feminist analysis long enough, sooner or later they are just going to end up talking about boyfriends. It’s some hormonal thing. I don’t get it. Women, you know?

So, join us! For the most obnoxiously heterosexual Sexist Beatdown yet!


ILLUSTRATION: I think Amanda is “a Miranda.” Mostly because their “names” “rhyme.” I am expecting to receive an “e-mail” from her any “minute” now about how I am “fired” from “chatting.”



So, I was reading this biography of Wittgenstein last night, before I went to bed. I know, right? I am so intellectual and well-read and so on and so forth! But actually, no I am not: I have been sort of assigned to read this biography, by someone who likes it. The biographical literary work I myself am reading, for fun, is Patti Smith’s memoir about Robert Mapplethorpe. Because it was on sale, and autographed, and I had only intended to pick up some magazines, but it was right there. By the register. Like it knew.

So, anyway, I was reading this biography of Wittgenstein last night, because I am so smart. And I was learning that, like many of us, Wittgenstein apparently had some very embarrassing tastes in college reading. Like, this guy Weininger?

The essence of Woman, [Weininger] says, is her absorption in sex. She is nothing but sexuality; she is sexuality itself. Whereas men possess sexual organs, “her sexual organs possess Women.” The female is completely preoccupied with sexual matters, whereas the male is interested in much else, such as war, sport, social affairs, philosophy and science, business and politics, religion and art… For [Woman], thinking and feeling are the same thing. She looks to man, who thinks in clear and articulated ideas, to clarify her data; to interpret her henids.* That is why women fall in love only with men cleverer than themselves.

And then I was like, “BRB Wittgenstein biography, got to write for Salon’s Broadsheet about James Franco, who now seems a little less bright than one would hope, based on his recently published short story, which of course makes him less sexually attractive.”

But did you notice that this story ends with me writing a piece for Salon’s Broadsheet? Because, yes, it does! Also there is a piece on child abuse legislation and the problems of reporting child abuse! By me! There! So we are all very excited and happy now.

And also! LaToya! PETERSON!

*Yeah. There’s a whole complicated explanation. But, for the record, “henids” basically translates to “stupid lady thoughts, that ladies have, because they are stupid.” Glad I could clear that one up for you. Also, on the list of Weininger’s Favorite Things, we can include: Anti-Semitism! Which, because he was Jewish, worked out really badly. Weininger is really tough to think about for very long. And has nothing to do with this story. Look, I’m sorry I brought it up, all right?

SEXIST BEATDOWN: Don’t Bring My Best Friend TV Into It Edition

Hey! You know what people care a lot about, apparently? It is the television!

Yes, television. It makes us laugh! It brings us joy! It distracts us from the fact that we are OMG totally alone in this apartment and have been for like SO MANY HOURS IN A ROW we just need to hear A HUMAN VOICE at this point, my goodness. But do you know what else television does, my friends? It gives us material for our various blog posts! And quite surprisingly heated and complex comment threads thereon.

Because, like, that Liz Lemon. She takes up a lot of space in the cultural imagination, that one! It is a complicated space! Because like ladies love her and dudes love her and then occasionally ladies (read: Me) HAAAATE her, but for so many complicated reasons that tend to vary between the genders. I think that’s worthy of one more sophisticated Socratic dialogue/blog post narcissistically and frivolously tossed up on the Internet on the very week healthcare is all over the news and such a big deal. Don’t you?

Well, TOO BAD. Because the lovely Amanda Hess of The Sexist and I, we agree on this thing! Behold, as we current-eventsily discuss the matter at hand, covering topics such as: Why is 30 Rock so great at funny feminist rape jokes, except for when it is terrible? We all know there are measurable differences between “funny joke about racism” and “racist joke,” but does 30 Rock do both of them? Maybe! And: What the fuck happened to Jenna? And: Why do people “love” Tracy Morgan’s acting but keep imagining that he is not actually an actor? And: Does anyone like Dot Com more than I do? NO! I will fight you for it! And: Which of the only two actresses to whom we are allowed to compare white female bloggers are YOU? You will find an easy visual guide below!

-6julie07rvt3_161702gm-bILLUSTRATION: The Two Faces of Amanda Hess. The lobster, of course, symbolizes Patriarchal Norms and Values.


Your Daily Amanda Palmer Outrage


Yup! AGAIN! You guys, I KNOWWWWW.

And it’s weird to have these deep feelings — one way or the other — about celebrities. Like, DEEPLY weird. If there were ever a person on the Internet who wrote as long and as intensely and as occasionally unfairly as I have written about young Amanda Palmer of the Boston Pretending To Be Statues Palmers, I would find that person’s house, and that person and I, well, we would DISCUSS.

But this is a problem. Because basically, I know you’re reaching for “outrageous,” Amanda, and I know that you’re like, “could anything be more outrageous than a group that is responsible for lots of domestic terrorism and also killing folks of color and/or contributing to a cultural context in which folks of color can easily be killed, for funsies? Nope, probably not. SOLID TWEET THERE, AMANDA. GOOD JOB.” But, like, you really have to be careful, especially when so many people are listening to you and framing you as some sort of “feminist” “role” “model” because there’s a thin line between making a cutting and insightful comment which relies on using offensive language, often to point out the offensiveness of the language itself, and just like BEING OFFENSIVE and trivializing things that ARE ACTUALLY IMPORTANT, and it’s a lot easier to cross that line when you’re not really FUNNY at all, and like maybe you need to recognize that you’re neither funny nor informed enough to easily zzzzzzzzzzzzz…

Oh, huh, what? Right. Amanda Palmer. Being a fool in the public square. Again.

So, THAT’S still going on! Also, I think this Lady Gaga person likes to wear some funny outfits?

13 Ways of Looking at Liz Lemon


The popular television sitcom 30 Rock premiered in the year 2006. Since that time, each man that I have dated has made a point of saying how much I remind him of the main character on that show, Liz Lemon.

They said this, in each case, while we were breaking up.


The ways in which I have reminded men of Liz Lemon vary from highly specific point-by-point comparisons to more general observations. One man was particularly moved by a Christmas episode, in which Liz’s absurdly friendly, supportive, and upbeat Midwestern parents come to visit, along with her brother, who is slightly off. (HE WAS IN A SKIING ACCIDENT!) They convert Jack to the side of joy by giving him three different flavors of popcorn in a single giant tin. This was, the man said, making him sad about our break-up, because my family had extended similar kindness and support and popcorn in his direction, and he loved them for it. “It’s weird that the character is so like you that you even have the same family,” he said.

The other is a little more infuriating. I was going through an absurdly painful break-up, and was supposed to meet a co-blogger at Feministe (hi, Jill!) for the first time. The break had occurred only a few days ago; I was still living with the man; I was not eating or sleeping, and I was so distraught that I had apparently forgotten how to put on shirts. I kept realizing, after wearing them for several hours, that they were on backward. I told the man about this, as a way to demonstrate how upset I was: “I was waiting for Jill at the bar, and I had to pull my arms inside my sweater and turn it around before she got there so that she didn’t think I was an idiot.” He laughed, and said, “see? You’re so Liz Lemon.”

The experience of having what I thought was a fairly serious indicator of my pain mirrored back to me as a wacky sitcom moment made it abundantly clear why this man and I had to break up. I bit my tongue and avoided, for that moment anyway, saying anything regrettable about Dennis, the Rat King. (He would not, I can tell you, have deserved it. But it was RIGHT THERE!)

Other than that, well: I’m a shortish, thinnish, smartish brunette woman who writes, has fairly stylish glasses, and is a bit high-strung. These things are inevitable, really.


Sexist Beatdown: WHO Put WHAT in the HUH Now? Edition

Friends: let me tell you a story, now. This is a story, not unlike that related by The Brady Bunch, of a lovely lady. A lovely lady named Amanda Hess at the Washington City Paper’s The Sexist, that is! She was blogging on the Internet about ladies for a while, when one day she happened upon a second lady doing the very same thing, but in more unprofessional fashion. The role of That Other Lady will be played, of course, by me!

So these two chicks got to chatting on the Internet every once in a while, about artifacts and events appertaining to the ladybusiness. It went really well. Really super well! And then, one day, out of the blue, these two ladies discovered that they could just straight-up talk about some vaginas if they wanted to. In quite some detail, it turned about! And no-one would stop them! On the Internet, vaginas are welcome; they are, in fact, PAGEVIEW GOLD! Yes: These two ladies discovered that there was no impediment to either one of them just straight-out flat-out being like, “here are some thoughts about vaginas.” Furthermore, they were similarly permitted to share their thoughts on the anti-vagina, also known amongst scientists and cultural critics as “the human weiner!”

And that, dear Reader, is when these two ladies stopped being polite… and started getting REAL.

So, like: Female condoms. Folks don’t wear them much! Folks don’t want to wear them, apparently! That is something to chat about. Like, for example: WHY don’t they want to wear them? Does the immediate revulsion displayed by one of the chatting parties to the very concept of “female condom” constitute evidence that Sady Doyle has just gone ahead and basically become a sexist dude? What’s the most unexpected context in which you’d expect to see the words “minimum rustling?” And what can be done to increase, even fractionally, the popularity of this Female Condom all the kids are talking about? It turns out one of us has a solution!

plastic bagILLUSTRATION: Because, like, this is sexy, right?



So, I recently watched this movie. This movie: It was entitled (500) Days of Summer. You guys, it was FOR A PROJECT! I would not watch this movie just for the hell of it! I am doing something on like romantic myths and like love stories and junk! So clearly, I HAD TO DO IT. It was not even really a choice.

Anyway, one of my theses is that the romance has traditionally been the province of the “women’s picture,” but in the last few years (from High Fidelity on, let us say — or, if we wanted to stretch ourselves, we could say since Before Sunrise) there have been an increasing number of romances centered almost entirely on the inner lives of dudes. Often within, like, the VERY MINDS of the dudes: Eternal Sunshine takes place literally within a guy’s brain for the most part, High Fidelity has a dude talking extensively into the camera, and I suppose we would regard Annie Hall as the pervy, monologue-and-dream-sequence-prone grandfather of this entire genre. And (500) Days of Summer fits squarely within this genre, as well.

FINDING OF NOTE: All of the dudes in these movies have similar haircuts?

OTHER FINDING: These dude-traps-a-girlfriend-IN-HIS-BRAIN movies tend to be my favorites of the genre. Like: I seriously hate a lot of “womens’ pictures,” especially the recent variety. I could watch Eternal Sunshine on a loop in some sort of Clockwork Orange device without getting bored, as could I similarly do with certain (though not all) scenes of Annie Hall. The one where Woody Alvy follows Diane Keaton Annie into her brain and passes harsh judgment on dudes she has dated in the past — “oh, yeah, real heavy, eaten to death by squirrels” — I could watch a lot. I would I am not sure how to feel about this. Kind of sexist, perhaps?

Let me assure you, however, that these feelings do not appertain to (500) Days of Summer.

(500) Days of Summer is, to be brief, the story of Joseph Gordon-Levitt meeting, kissing, fucking, and continuing to fuck Zooey Deschanel, whilst Zooey Deschanel tells Joseph Gordon-Levitt continuously that he is Not Her Boyfriend. Then she says the fucking has to cease, and she seems not to feel too bad about that, and he is like, “BUT I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!???” And she is like, no you’re not. And then he is sad.

We are encouraged to infer, from this series of events, that Zooey Deschanel is LITERALLY A MONSTER.


11 Things I Learned From Watching “Telephone”

(C.L. Minou occasionally consumes pop culture! It’s true! And among that culture she recently started to follow is Tiger Beatdown unofficial patron saint Lady GaGa. In fact, she watched the Bad Romance video like ten times in one day because of its thrilling mix of gender identity and politics, surrealism, shout outs to German Expressionism, and even the obvious influence of Bauhaus–the design philosophy and, quite possibly, the band! As Sady has already covered “Telephone” at Feministe, C.L. thought she’d share her thoughts with you. And also write her own introduction in the third person, which is completely not annoying.)

1. Tarantino provides a visual idiom for everything.

Perhaps our zeitgeist has deteriorated to the point that it is literally impossible to touch upon any subject even remotely related to B-movie subjects from the 1970s without reference to QT — up to and including people of color fighting, prison movies, and God help us but I fear this will prove to be so, lesbianism. This might make the choice of, shall we say, mise en scene for “Telephone” forgivable.

What would be scary to consider is that it is no longer possible to conceive of any subject outside the purview of Tarantino, especially if it involves women doing anything besides falling in love with Colin Firth.

2. There is only one Tarantino movie, ever.

That’s not entirely true, of course. In fact, it is not even remotely true — his movies have shown a unity of look and conversational tics (like his fellow explorer of the “art as misogyny” trope, David Mamet), but have varied all over the place in precise subject, visual style, and even theme.

However, whenever you make something that is Tarantinoesque, you may only refer to a movie I call Pulping Bill To Kill Fiction Volume III. And you must never, ever mention the only movie that has a female character who is both sympathetic and not trying to murder other women so she can be the Nice Mommy, Jackie Brown. ‘Cause that shit don’t play.

3. By Now You’re Sick of the Tarantino stuff, so I will continue in that vein.



People: It has been a trying week, and particularly evening, over at the Tiger Beatdown Headquarters. Tiger Beatdown loves you, and Tiger Beatdown cares. But also? SHIT HAS BEEN HAPPENING, over at the Tiger Beatdown. This shit pertains to, though is not exclusive to, the matters of (a) Tiger Beatdown opening a Tumblr account, (b) Tiger Beatdown’s Tumblr account making Tiger Beatdown happy for a number of The Personal Reasons, like New Friends and Such, and (c) Tiger Beatdown SOMEHOW BEING INSULTED LIKE THREE TIMES BY DAVID KARP THE VERY FOUNDER OF TUMBLR TODAY, IN A REALLY UNACCEPTABLE MANNER, WHAT THE FUCK.

Like, here is the Tiger Beatdown Feelings Journal, in handy Emoticon format, for you today:






I hope that clarifies everything! Anyway. It’s a Friday night, kittens! And you know what that means: it’s time to stew over the shitty behavior of an Internet social networking wunderkind and watch Battlestar enjoy your totally sexy lifestyle! Which includes, of course, your vagina. Hey: how sparkly is your vagina? Is it TOO sparkly, do you think? Probably not! Probably what your vagina needs is to look MORE LIKE THE RUMP OF A SPECIAL-EDITION MY LITTLE PONY THAN USUAL. Which is to say: more sparkly! And with various cute designs on it! Look: This lady has put sparkles on her vagina. Also on or near her vagina, she has put “Jason,” who is very into her vaginal sparkles! Jason is totally creepy PS! But probably you should have sparkles on your vagina. For Jason!

Yes, it is time to talk about Vajazzling. With Amanda Hess of Washington City Paper’s The Sexist! Look. What ELSE are you doing tonight, right?

ILLUSTRATION: This was, for real, the most informative thing about Vajazzling that I could find on the Internet. Although I don’t think that is her vagina, actually? I COULD BE WRONG.


SEXIST BEATDOWN: He’s Just Not That Into You, Although Your Vagina We Can Scientifically Confirm He Is in Fact Into Edition

Ladies! Step away from the dudes!* Yes, do it. Step away RIGHT NOW, unless you have some form of Very Serious Commitment, preferably signed and documented in a highly official manner in the sight of several armed witnesses. For we have heard some alarming news re: dudes, and sleeping with dudes specifically, if you are into that sort of thing.

The news is (are you ready? Brace yourselves! Light a cigarette, have a drink, sit down, for we are about to BLOW YOUR MIND in some potentially very upsetting ways) that sometimes, if you sleep with dudes, you might want them to Fall In Love with you! And sometimes – this is where it gets absolutely terrifying – they might not Fall In Love!

I know, right? UNPRECEDENTED! SHOCKING! Who do we blame for this? Well, if you are An Old Person, you might well wish to blame The Hook-Up Culture (otherwise known as “sex”) that all the kids are into today. And some have! Amanda Hess of The Sexist and I, however, have some alternate theories. Pay attention, and you will see them laid forth in this exciting chat!

22645-gossip_girl_omfg278x360-1ILLUSTRATION: The Kids Today! With their “acronyms” and their “ambiguous relationships” and their “sexual intercourse!” I don’t understand a bit of it! Why, in MY day…
