It’s raining here, softly but firmly, and Wendy Davis is filibustering in Texas. She’s speaking in a low, quiet voice in the other tab, talking about admitting privileges, standing quietly as Senators raise points of order, resuming her flood of speech flawlessly when the floor is returned to her. Her voice is calm and clear, […]
Monday, September 10, 2012
Either you believe abortion should be legal and we need to protect access to safe, compassionate, and confidential abortion services, full stop, or you want to fall right down the slippery slope of moral relativism and directly into the hands of conservatives. You do not need to justify abortion because a pregnancy endangers the life […]
Last Thursday Jessica Luther and I attended a panel put on by the Texas Observer called “POLITICS BECOMES PERSONAL: The Fight for Women’s Health in Texas.” Jessica is a reproductive rights activist who maintains the tumblr blog “Keep Your Boehner Out of My Uterus” and tweets under the handle @scATX. After the panel I asked her […]
On Tuesday, Wisconsin voters went to the polls for their Presidential primary, but that wasn’t the only big news out of the badger state; the media were also focusing on the attempted bombing of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Appleton. Fortunately the device was small and no one was injured, but investigators are taking it […]
The ongoing war on reproductive rights in the United States is so sweeping that I’m constantly uncovering a new facet of it, appalling in its grossness and determination to strip pregnant people of all individual freedom and autonomy. Odd, coming from conservatives who claim to want smaller government; evidently tight governmental controls are perfectly acceptable […]
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
As Sady just noted at In These Times, 2012 is going to be a year of anti-reproductive justice laws, specifically targeted at effectively ending abortion in the United States. In shocking news, a recent study concluded that when abortion is illegal, rates of unsafe abortions rise, and globally, we are having a serious problem with […]
The attack on reproductive rights in the United States is likely to heat up in 2012, and we have an early entrant in the race to the bottom in the form of a court decision that went through on Friday, ordering the immediate enforcement of a mandatory sonogram law in Texas. More specifically: The law, […]
Friday, February 25, 2011
Women should not wear a tube top if they would like justice for their rape. If they are raped, it had damn well be “forcible.” If you do get an abortion do not be from Virginia! Or Georgia! If you are from Georgia you will send his excellency Bobby Franklin your sanitary napkins (Not the real […]
Thursday, February 17, 2011
In the run-up to the 2010 election, Melinda Henneberger at Politics Daily wrote of Joe Donnelly:
Democratic incumbent Rep. Joe Donnelly and his Republican challenger in next month’s election, state Rep.Jackie Walorski, have a fair amount in common: Both are pro-gun, pro-life, and oppose climate change legislation, though it’s Donnelly who has been endorsed by the NRA, and he, too, who emphasizes his stand against illegal immigration.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Meet Mark Critz. He got a huge chunk of cash from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee last election to hold the seat he’d won in a special election after the death of his old boss, John Murtha. How huge? $2,107,202.86