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Monthly Archives: March 2009

Sexist Beatdown: OMG I CAN SEE UR BOOB LOL Edition

Sexist Beatdown! It is the highlight of my week! Yours too, if you have any sense at all. But is it… SEXY?  Probably not sufficiently sexy, no! In this week’s installment, the sexy Amanda Hess of sexy Washington City Paper blog The Sexist and I sexily discuss “sexting,” the sexy texting craze that’s sweeping the […]

Adventures in Victorian Literature: Kelly Clarkson Version

You know what I haven’t talked about much lately? Literature, that’s what! I have been remiss. Fortunately for all of us, popular singer and poetsmith Kelly Clarkson, along with chronicler of our times Katy “If I Say Being A Girl Is Lame, Boys (And Self-Loathing Girls) Will Find Me ‘Rebellious’” Perry, have produced an epic […]

How To Pick Up Chicks: Try Talking to Them! And, Not Being a Douche

This weekend, I had the pleasure of going to a party, and speaking therein with someone who reads, and apparently does not hate, my blog. You will never guess what happened next: it turned out he was a dude! Artist’s representation Yes, friends, a dude. A dude who specifically wished to speak about this post, […]

Oh, no! The ladies, they’re getting drunk! AGAIN! Guys just aren’t into drunk girls STUDY | Women mistakenly believe men think it’s sexy Oh, dear. It seems that, once again, I may have failed to appeal sexually to each and every member of the male gender. It’s not that I’m not trying: I spend several […]

On Second Thought

I am beginning to think that Sexist Beatdown should have focused entirely on this.

Sexist Beatdown: Blogging About Blogging About Blogging Edition

Good morning! Are you ready for a Sexist Beatdown… that requires extensive background information and additional reading into a history of intense debate in, around, and about the feminist blogosphere? If your answer is, “Jesus, it is too early for this, no,” then you are in the same position as the lovely and preternaturally patient […]


Have you read the David Foster Wallace thing in the New Yorker? It is really good; also, heartbreaking. His wife’s name is Karen Green, and she has been through some shit, let me tell you. So I am already feeling super-trivial as I prepare to tell you that this is the detail that stuck out […]

In Which I Improve Your Marriage… OF THE FUTURE!

Guess what? I just got a wedding invitation! It is maybe the most awesome wedding invitation I have ever received. NO OFFENSE, OTHER MARRIED PEOPLE. Your weddings were all awesome. Weddings are awesome! However, look at this: Here’s the rundown; tomorrow [A DUDE] and I are going to the [CITY HALL] to get unioned at […]

Tiger Beatdown Sells Out

No gender stuff today! Sorry! In fact, no more gender stuff, EVER. I have decided that it is detracting from my brand and compromising my market potential. I do not want to be pigeonholed as some “niche writer” who writes for “niche markets” about things like “whether sexism exists.”* What I want is money! I […]

I Have Been Watching TV! Did You Know That It Has Sexism?

Hey, have you heard about this VH1 channel? They show the music video programming, apparently! Ha ha, no, they show things that are sexist and terrible, all the time. There is this one specific thing that I would like to talk to you about today, however. It is called Tool Academy. VH1 TV Shows | […]