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The Complicated Influence of Ke$ha Upon Society

You know what? Sometimes it is just best to start your week with something ADORABLE. And disturbing! And complicated! And possibly wrong to even write about! But also, for real so adorable oh my God.

Okay, so: LADIES. Do you remember being eleven? Do you remember, at the age of eleven or twelve, memorizing all the moves to the En Vogue “Never Gonna Get It” video? Yes, you do. Stop lying, ladies! There is no shame here! My favorite album, when I was eleven or twelve, was the Janet Jackson one where she is topless on the cover. Which was FILTHY. I sort of figured this out when I wrote out the lyrics to one of the songs and passed them, in a note, to a boy. Who knew what they meant and consequently read them aloud to all his friends, on the school bus if I recall, to great hilarity. And that is the story of Why Sady Eventually Just Got Home-Schooled. But whatevs! The point is: the kids, they like the funky beats. And the inappropriate lyrics, from time to time.

Which is why these little girls really like Ke$ha.

Oh! My god! Are these even tweens? I think not! I think they might be, like, pre-tweens or something! Fifth grade these days is CRAZY!

The video was sent in by faithful Friend of Tiger Beatdown  / Occasional Contributor B. Michael, who left special instructions to watch for the line about the “bottle of Jack.” And, yeah, that is adorable. But my favorite is where they get to the “dudes are lining up” line. Who are the dudes that are lining up, ladies? Is one of them a little stuffed pink elephant? I think he just might be! Oh my God! Awwwwwwwww!

However: this video inspires complicated and occasionally negative reactions. It is weird and gross to see CHILDREN, LITERAL TINY CHILDREN hoisting beers into a camera, and the “boys trying to grab my junk” line is NOT COMFORTABLE AT ALL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Mostly, I hope that my proposed legislation against the YouTubing of children becomes reality, because SERIOUSLY. This is not something young kids and/or sharey parents should have access to; it is un-good. It is like broadening the range of shitty bullies that might make your life Hell from “people at your school” to “the entire world, including some seriously maladjusted adult people.” No. Stop. Danger! People are mean. Some of them are meaner than you would expect to find outside of, like, Scar in The Lion King. And let me tell you something about Scar in The Lion King: if they had wi-fi in his cave, and he had a corresponding means of venting his social-status insecurity and general hatred of joy, fun, and anyone who had joy and fun? Most of the plot of The Lion King WOULD NOT HAVE TAKEN PLACE. He would have been like, “can’t overthrow Mufasa right now, too busy mocking the suicide of a high school student on my various message boards. Also I think someone’s baby might be ugly.”

But I have hopes for these kids! For example, I hope that they are kind of being Spoken To over this, and being told, in a loving and supportive manner, the precise procedures for reporting and pressing charges should anyone try to touch their junk – that needs to not be happening! I don’t care what Ke$ha says about it happening, she is like forty-seven! Ke$ha is many years closer to death than you and can serve hard time for a criminal sentence, her lifestyle is entirely different and yours is probably a lot better in some major ways! – and also I hope that their moms are only slightly more permissive in this arena than MY mom, who I sound pretty much exactly like right now, and who also recently reported being mad at me because she had gone through my old photos and found some “overly suggestive” pictures taken of me in, I believe, freshman year of high school. Also, I hope they read feminist blogs, these girls. Because we like Ke$ha too sometimes! And we can talk about the parts of Ke$ha we’re not fond of without yelling at you, because who does not enjoy some funky beats, really?

But, also: my dance moves to “Never Gonna Get It” were really quite fine. Awe-inspiring! So it is not like I do not get this, I swear. I am not the one to judge!

*Please be warned that if anyone is mean to these little girls I will ban you! If I get the sense that they are being overexposed to mean people, also, I will take the post down! And not apologize! We have a general “at least you should be nice to, like, ANIMALS and CHILDREN” policy here. OK? Okay. I trust you, most of you, but also as a person who is letting a fairly large amount of people see this video, I have certain responsibilities. Which I will uphold!


  1. Charlie S wrote:

    Completely agree with this post. I am currently finding the kids’ interpretation of ‘party all night’ to mean ‘musical chairs’ (about 0.45 in) to be something of a relief, though. I’m 19 and I think I’d go to more parties if musical chairs was commonplace.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 12:22 pm | Permalink
  2. jfruh wrote:

    On the note of being NICE TO CHILDREN, and pushing the troubling content aside, I am kind of in awe of the production values of this video. I mean, I am assuming that, what with the beer hoisting/bottle of Jack brushing-with this video was made without parental intervention of any sort, which leads me to the conclusion that a pair of, what, TEN YEAR OLDS with an iMac or whatever can now make videos that look better than any corporate training video created during the Reagan administration. I mean, there are composited backgrounds! Stop motion animation! Separate video and audio tracks synced up more or less competently! Just about anyone who is a media professional of any sort is probably doomed once this cohort of kids hits 20, is what I’m saying.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 12:49 pm | Permalink
  3. Heather wrote:

    OK, I am totally in awe of those girls. My at-home productions were never as elaborate at this. So adorable. ALSO: I love that “a bottle of Jack” looks like a bottle of mouthwash and NOT Jack Daniels, thank goodness.

    I remember being a kid and begging my parents to buy me a cassette of TLC’s “CrazySexyCool” — in fact, I remember the scene so vividly: standing in KMart, digging the cassette out, saying “BUT DAAAAD, PLEAAAAAAAAAAAASEEEEE!” and him saying that he was going to take it home, listen to the entire thing and make sure there was no allusion to sex on it. I don’t remember if he ever did that, but the thought of my dad listening to TLC is kind of awesome.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 1:12 pm | Permalink
  4. Stephanie wrote:

    I give thanks everyday that YouTube did not exist when I was growing up so there is no publicly available evidence of my lipsynching abilities as a child (NKOTB), tween (Janet!) and teenager (4 Non Blondes).

    Part of me thinks this is totally normal growing up because they are trying on roles with upopened beers, awkward sexuality and the totally age appropriate (and hilarious) kicking of stuffed animals. I did the same thing and turned into a respectable adult with not much emotional scaring – I just wish it was not on YouTube for all mean jerks of the world to see.

    …And also, a few years after this riot grrl came on the scene and that was pretty effing awesome.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 1:18 pm | Permalink
  5. Gnatalby wrote:

    I think it’s adorable, and I would have done the same thing as a kid, and I’m reasonably well adjusted.

    I hope the rest of the internet is kind to these girls.

    They kicked pink elephant to the curb! He’s soooooo much cuter than Mick Jagger!

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 1:54 pm | Permalink
  6. dave glasser wrote:

    I couldn’t make out the labels but I kinda hoped that it was root beer.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 1:55 pm | Permalink
  7. goldengirl wrote:

    ha! a friend of mine’s little sis made a similar video, where for the beer scene they video-taped her mom coming out and taking the unopened beers away. and featured a cut-out of mick jagger’s face taped to her bedroom wall. it was hilarious. and LOL, it is indeed heartening that these kids clearly don’t know what ‘a bottle of jack’ refers to!

    that said, i agree whole-heartedly with everything you’ve written, and hope that these kids’ parents have had a talk with them about how, you know, the internet is everywhere and forever. unfortunately, that may be too much to hope for with a lot of kids. :\ when my baby niece is this age, i’ll be sure to give her a Talk.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 2:06 pm | Permalink
  8. Mercer Finn wrote:

    Also quite humbled by the production values. I’m twice their age, probably, and I would NOT be able to do that.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 2:07 pm | Permalink
  9. Brigid Keely wrote:

    What the dang, man! This is an awesome video and much better than anything my ancient, crusty self could come up with this. Kids These Days.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 2:09 pm | Permalink
  10. Samantha b. wrote:

    Oh my jeebus! This is why I confine myself to the corner of the tweeny internet where 12 year olds make crazy outfits out of their mother’s clothingmake crazy outfits out of their mothers’ clothing and stuff they had when they were 8, and then it all ends with the people at Prada giving them lipstick print skirts which they wear as dresses. Because those are happy tweeny series of tubes places! The land of youtubed tweens singing sexy songs open to unfiltered comments is a scary place!

    I remember so well the first sexual harassment I experiences when I had just gotten a hint of boobage, and then at least the twisted middle aged men had to open themselves up to the possibility that their employer might catch them catcalling a 12-13 aged girl. It was not especially enjoyable as an experience.
    Yeesh, these sweet girls are wreaking havoc on my dormant nurturant instincts.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 2:46 pm | Permalink
  11. Sady wrote:

    @Everybody: I KNOW! The brunette girl has her own channel, and she would appear to be a genius at these things. And I’m pretty sure the “beer” is something else but I still got all Mom about it, like “YOU PUT THAT DOWN THAT IS AN ADULT BEVERAGE DON’T YOU EVEN JOKE ABOUT THOSE THINGS.” (“I hate you!” “Good! You can hate me when you don’t die in a drunk driving accident, too! I hope you live to ninety-seven so you can hate me for a very long time!”)

    I mean, granted, I know I get paranoid about these things, but that poor socially maladept ginger kid from a while ago still makes me really sad, what with his inadvertent hilarity and consequent mocking by real live grown-ups who should know better.

    My cousin and I used to produce a “radio talk show” by talking into my mom’s cassette recorder and occasionally holding it up to the stereo for a song we liked, by the way. AND NOW IT WOULD BE A PODCAST. And I, having taken like twenty-seven years to even vaguely not make a fool of myself, am personally grateful for this. Recognizing that there are SOME tweens, and more teens, who just totally have it together! I just like to assume that everyone else is as dorky as I personally was, because that makes it easier. Easier, for me!

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 3:16 pm | Permalink
  12. That was disturbing on a few levels, but also really cute at parts, so I am not going to go read the YouTube comments. I am going to stay in my happy space and say that I want to steal the pink elephant.

    @Charlie S: I also feel like the parties I go to would be improved by musical chairs. Perhaps we could start a thing?

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 4:29 pm | Permalink
  13. charley wrote:

    good news, everyone!: the youtube comments are not terrible. they are (mostly) being pretty nice to them, and talking to them like children ought to be talked to (which is to say, not like the internet treats every other child that does something silly on the internet)! I was pleased.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 5:41 pm | Permalink
  14. Maud wrote:

    I was that age in the ’60s, when fashion was not for the faint of heart. Around the same age as these two, my sister and I thought we were being very. . . uh, well, we weren’t sure what we were being, but it was something much older girls were sometimes and it was very impressive and we wanted to be it too, when we hung around the house wearing tights and oxford-style shirts. No pants, which made it very that-thing-we-wanted-to-be. It was several decades before I learned the word “louche”, but I think we were aiming for a look which was somewhere in the distant suburbs of louche. We lived in a rural area; this may have been a bit of backwash from the beatnik era hitting our town about ten years late.

    You young’uns might have had much cooler stuff, but we retain the comforting assurance that no video of us in that state is extant, which is such a good thing for all. And we didn’t even think to lip-sync. Somehow the tights were supposed to do it all for us. Pathetic, really. These girls are so much more competent.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 6:16 pm | Permalink
  15. CourtneyB wrote:

    My best friend, Kaylee, and I had an entire routine to “Hit Me Baby One More Time”. We didn’t get it.

    ALSO, these girls are so cute!

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 6:17 pm | Permalink
  16. ozymandias wrote:

    I was epically cool in fifth grade, you guys. I was a young punk. None of this Britney nonsense for me. I had real, honest music. Music of the street! Music that dealt with serious issues!

    …Avril Lavigne.

    (And, duh, there were dance routines.)

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 6:34 pm | Permalink
  17. Kathy wrote:

    “My cousin and I used to produce a “radio talk show” by talking into my mom’s cassette recorder and occasionally holding it up to the stereo for a song we liked, by the way. AND NOW IT WOULD BE A PODCAST.”

    My cousin and I did exactly the same thing as a kid, and I am very, very glad youtube didn’t exist in the 80s. The most exposure we got was when when we performed our “radio” show live over my grandpa’s CB radio. (Which did have its share of creepy “commenters” come to think of it.)

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 7:36 pm | Permalink
  18. Adrianna wrote:

    more than anything, this made me long for the best friends you make as children, and the crazy awesomeness of developing dance routines to favorite (completely mis-understood) songs.

    Our dance moves were to Destiny’s Child and Spice girls. We had no clue what they were going on about! But beatz were sick, yo!


    anyway, internet kinda intensifies bullying, yes, but honestly kids have been doing what these kids did since forever. nothing wrong with it. maybe they shouldn’t be posting vids on the internet (parental units should address this with them) and they should understand that boys should not be grabbing their junk, but all in all it looks like harmless, cute fun.

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 8:54 pm | Permalink
  19. nyna wrote:

    Mostly this reminds me of my sixth grade choir. Our teacher let us pick the songs we sang with no intervention, so we gave a performance of “Genie in a Bottle”* to an auditorium packed full of horrified parents. Complete with twelve year-old designed dance moves.

    Yeah, he was really, really fired. But I think tweens singing along to explicit lyrics while having no idea what they’re doing is a pretty standard milestone, to be honest. See also: “You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals,” the other hit of my middle school years.

    *For those of you who are old enough to have never listened to Christina Aguilera: “I’m a genie in a bottle, baby/Got to rub me the right way, honey.”

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 9:29 pm | Permalink
  20. Brimstone wrote:

    I don’t know if you’ve seen it but there’s a blues cover of K$sha that says… something. i’m not sure what:

    This sort of video disturbs me but in the future it’ll be so normal nobody will notice

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 9:59 pm | Permalink
  21. Isabel wrote:

    Not to get all one-uppy, but when I was in 4th grade my friends decided it would be fun at one girl’s birthday party to strip sexily for each other while the Spice Girls’ “Naked” was playing (me and one other girl wouldn’t go beyond panties + undershirts, but the other 3 went all the way).

    haha WOW i hadn’t remembered that in a while, maybe that experience and the total lack of damage it did on any of our psyches is why I have trouble getting upset over Kids Today when what Kids Today are doing does not actually involve having sex in fifth grade. (though to be fair if I found out about kids doing what we did I’d probably be weirded out… but again it was really not a traumatic event at all for us. certainly much less traumatic than a zillion things that happen in childhood/adolescence that no one gets worried about.)

    anyway. I agree this should not be on the internet, but I also agree that these girls are adorable and awesome, and I think if they had just made this video to watch for themselves that would be nothing to worry about, honestly.

    (We also had a very chaste routine to Britney Spears’ “Lucky,” which involved a lot of really literal interpretation of lyrics like “Why do these tears come at night?” hint: it involved fingers, going down our cheeks.)

    Monday, March 1, 2010 at 10:41 pm | Permalink
  22. Kelly wrote:

    Sady: I love your writing and love your site! I have two kids and really, kids can handle a lot more than non-parents (or even some parents!) sometimes think. Or at least my kids can (they are 5 and 7). As in: a song involving someone grabbing your junk is sometimes a great way to talk about Hey, what does that mean? And Who’s allowed to grab my junk? (‘safe’ answer: NO ONE EVER SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO TOUCH YOUR JUNK! perhaps more complex but my choice: it’s YOUR junk and you get to decide, but no one has the RIGHT to your body in any way, and please listen to your inner voice on this one ( P.S. the “who gets to touch me” thing is not a conversation you have ONCE with your kids… it’s an ongoing dialogue.

    Last weekend my child & I accompanied my friend to get a bra at Victoria’s Secret. While we waited my 7 year old daughter looked around for a while and said, “It looks like *some* girls want to be sexy.” No judgment, just an observation. And I said, “Yup.” A few minutes later my daughter held up a teddy to her body, which of course was a creepy teddy with padded bra and pinned behind to look so skinny as to actually FIT a 7 year old. I asked my daughter what she thought and she said, “Maybe when I’m nine.” This made the counter workers SO nervous and icky. I’m like, whatever, I love that we bombard girls with the BE SEXY AND YOUNG but EWWWW THAT’S TOO SLUTTY / YOU’RE TOO YOUNG.

    Anyway… all I’m saying is, kids are pretty tough and just because they know a smutty lyric or even dance to it doesn’t mean too much *in and of itself*. It’s what else is going on in the kids’ life that matters.

    Seriously, if a bunch of peeps write in here and tell me I’m some horrid permissive parent for my daughter’s lipsync to Shakira’s “She Wolf” I’ll be so sad. But, that’s the risk I take when speaking my mind in front of internetz strangers.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 1:58 am | Permalink
  23. I’m just disturbed by the Mick Jagger line in that song. Do people think he looks good? I’ve always thought he was one of the many ugly guy rockers who got chicks because of the “I’m in a band” effect.

    I know, this is totally off the point.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 7:18 am | Permalink
  24. Sady wrote:

    @Steph: The young Mick Jagger was maybe the hottest dude ever to be a dude, and hot! Great body, great face, radiated that androgynous pansexual louche thing that rock stars were doing at the time, moved like 1996 PJ Harvey onstage… And now, yeah, less of that. Which is not ageist, I hope! Bruce Springsteen is still hot even though he is a total dork and has a penchant for bad facial hair! Jagger, much like Bono, just entered that realm of appalling self-caricature from whence no sexiness escapes unscathed.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 9:55 am | Permalink
  25. Eneya wrote:

    It’s a very cute video and really a good one.
    But… I am horrified what passes for “girrrrl power” these days.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 8:28 am | Permalink
  26. Maura wrote:

    OMG, Maud. Tights and oxford shirts! I totally did that too. I thought I was Joey Heatherton.

    Anyway, yeah, this non-mother freaked out a little at the “bottle of Jack” line and seeing those little girls with “beer”. But, hell, my father sometimes took me to the corner bar with him, and he taught me how to pour a beer when I was around 12. And that all sounds much worse than it was.

    I’ve always thought that if they don’t know what the words mean, it’s not going to do any damage, and if they do, well, they do. It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to aspire to be just like Ke$ha or [insert the name of this week’s “bad influence” here]. I was about the age of these little girls were when the Rolling Stones hit it big. Do you think I knew what “Satisfaction” was about? Or “Brown Sugar”?

    The girls are cute as hell, and they have some serious skills. But I would feel better if the video wasn’t on You Tube.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 10:18 am | Permalink
  27. tiphane wrote:

    In my aunt’s rural, North California town, about ten years ago, the guy who owned (operated?) the local radio station let his two tween daughters host on Sunday mornings (or maybe Saturday, it was a long time ago and I was in college in Northern California, some of my memories are not so clear is what I am saying). They were young and inexperienced and I don’t remember what they played, though no doubt they did not understand some of the lyrics regardless. I do remember that people used to call in (mostly men, funny that) and berate them for their inexperience or other failings. Like, they could not always get the music to start right or would sometimes say stupid things because they were children, maybe?

    Anyway, I thought it was really fucked up then, but at least there is no permanent record of the shows and, this being a small, rural town with little anonymity even on the radio, no one said anything totally inappropriate on the air to them.

    My point being that we all do weird, kind of age-inappropriate things as kids as that’s how we figure out what is appropriate, maybe. These girls are totally cute and I remember doing similar things back in the 80s. Only, no one but my parents and my friend’s parents saw me. The permanency of a lot of internet media now is kind of scary. Like, maybe I don’t want this comment to be accessible for all time, but once I put it out there, it could be. Plus the access strangers can have to your lives creeps me out, especially for children. Didn’t it used to be advised that you not let the newspaper publish pictures of your children with their names because of creepy strangers? And yet, you can put a dance routine on YouTube now.

    In short, I agree with Sady and everyone else.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 12:19 pm | Permalink
  28. Gnatalby wrote:

    I mean, granted, I know I get paranoid about these things, but that poor socially maladept ginger kid from a while ago still makes me really sad, what with his inadvertent hilarity and consequent mocking by real live grown-ups who should know better.

    I am out of touch with the culture, because I have no idea what you’re referring to, although it seems likely you will not want to link, which is ok. I don’t have a rep for having my finger on the pulse of our times that’s in danger.

    I’m just disturbed by the Mick Jagger line in that song. Do people think he looks good? I’ve always thought he was one of the many ugly guy rockers who got chicks because of the “I’m in a band” effect.

    Same here. I recently saw the video for Angie for the first time and I was just clutching my pillow in terror as the fish lips loomed at me. It was more chilling than that breathing pillow that oozes onto your bed.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 2:42 pm | Permalink
  29. Gnatalby wrote:

    html fail for me.

    My response to Steph should have been thus:

    Same here. I recently saw the video for Angie for the first time and I was just clutching my pillow in terror as the fish lips loomed at me. It was more chilling than that breathing pillow that oozes onto your bed.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 2:43 pm | Permalink
  30. billie wrote:

    I love how the clock has such an adorably badly drawn circle! When I saw that I squeeeeeed extra loud!

    When I was a kid, I took it to the next level: not only did I make videos with my friends of our acts, I also choreographed them for my elementary school’s talent shows. Luckily, though, I had a talent for doing incredibly goofy parodies of the popular music of the time, so even though I got a bit ostracized for making fun of nsync, Britney, the Spice Girls, etc. at least I wasn’t too serious about it.

    I feel a kinship with these girls, though. I remember having that same love of the stage and the camera that drove me to make an adorable fool of myself on a regular basis, in the same embarrassingly permanent manner.

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 9:36 pm | Permalink
  31. Christa wrote:

    Sorry if this was already mentioned, I didn’t read all of the comments…

    but apparently this is a contest and so there are TONS of videos of tweens doing their own videos of this video. Some are more appropriate and cute than others 🙁

    Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 11:55 pm | Permalink
  32. gatecrewgirl wrote:

    Sady don’t feel bad – I, too went entirely Mom on the “bottle of jack” and the “beers” shoved into the video camera.

    Like everyone else has said, this video is awesome and these tiny children have mad skillz that make me, a computer nerd, insanely jealous.

    Also, @Nyna, I completely agree. Making dance moves to a song that one doesn’t understand the lyrics of seems a completely normal rite of passage for tween/pre-tween girls. I have vivid memories of a dance routine to the entire Dirty Dancing soundtrack involving a balance beam in my friend Cory’s basement. This was a movie I was most definitely forbidden to watch. (Note: favorite song was You Don’t Own Me)

    BUT. This does not mean I wouldn’t crap an 8-ton brick if this was posted by one of my children. My (currently nonexistent) children would get Spoken To gently about the various topics mentioned by all of you. And I would then go quietly hyperventilate in a corner.

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 11:01 am | Permalink
  33. al_zorra wrote:

    Do these little girls have any real idea of who Mick Jagger is — or, even if he’s alive or not, if they have heard of him?

    For that matter, do their parents even know who he is? He’s got to be about 4 decades older than their parents.

    Love, C.

    Wednesday, March 3, 2010 at 11:09 pm | Permalink
  34. Seraph wrote:

    Having really hit the stage of doing-age-inappropriate-things at about 16 (late bloomer, apparently), and being now in my early 20s, my age-inappropriate things are in fact on the internet. They were mostly provocative photos in posts on my friends’ GreatestJournals (exactly like LJ, only at that time a wee bit cooler). I have survived rather well, as have my friends, and we got rather few icky comments, and are now mostly all self-identified feminists (having discovered Feminism online at about the same time as GreatestJournal). I did show some to my boyfriend at one point, and he really disturbed himself by finding them hot–his interior dialog waffling back and forth between “only sixteen then” and “currently my girlfriend”.

    Also, I have a stuffed pink elephant! It’s different though and has a music box in it.

    Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 9:46 pm | Permalink
  35. Seraph wrote:

    Further note, on further consideration:

    A lot of us did get up to a lot of shit that made, or would have made, our parents Flip A Shit. Another Ke$ha song (Take It Off, maybe?) mentions alcohol in a water bottle? Ah, memories of highschool. Sooo many bad things could have happened that didn’t.

    But youTube didn’t exist then! And Facebook was only for college students, and we all knew not to use our real names or anything personal online. So I’m right back where I started.

    Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 9:59 pm | Permalink
  36. Helen wrote:

    This is the first thing that I have ever read on your website, and I must say, this does not disappoint. I loved this post, it was funny, but serious. Thank you for this wonderful post, you are officially on my fave tabs list! :3

    Thursday, March 4, 2010 at 11:55 pm | Permalink
  37. Julia wrote:

    I did a lip-sync/dance to “Shoop” in 6th grade…in gym class! Why was that OK? We practiced it in front of the teacher. “shot gun bang, what’s up with that thang? i want to know, how does it hang? straight up, wait up….”

    Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 1:06 pm | Permalink