So, I know and you know that this blog has been all over the SERIOUS NEWS EVENTS lately. Like Ke$ha dance parties! We are all over those!
However, tonight we are also taking care of TIGER BEATDOWN T-SHIRT EVENTS coverage. We are making them! We are documenting the process of making them! We are keeping you apprised of the process! In live-blogging fashion.
We also have a jug of Tiger Beatdown-Approved Cheap Wine, so. You know! Trying to live the life to which we aspire!
Step I: Tiger Beatdown T-Shirt Fetuses!
Step II: Looking at pictures of Fiona Apple on the Internet (NOT PICTURED)
Step III: Extensive looking at every possible font before deciding on one we liked best in the first place.
Step Five: Download new copy of Photoshop?
Step 97: Talking about Tumblr! (Seriously, Photoshop takes forever.)
Step 1115: Seriously, A LONG TIME.
Step 125,000,013: IT BEGINS
Step Thirty-Four (I Think?): Laborious cutting? WHAT? MAN, this is a taxing process. (Of which I will take photos!)
Step Nine Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Okay, so the actual heat press process takes like 3 seconds. Therefore, we missed it. Sorry.
STEP THE FINAL: We have figured out how to make a Tiger Beatdown t-shirt. This is what it looks like. SORT OF. Your size, color and cut may vary, actually! So, uh… who wants one?
I don’t know why this is funny but it is.
For a moment there I thought there were going to be fetuses on the tshirts. Aww. Can there be fetuses on the tshirts?
I do! I want one! Hooray!
but wait, will it say “tiger beatdown” anywhere?
But will it say “tiger beatdown” anywhere? Because, I would like to advertise your awesomeness.
I want one! and one! and one! … I want several.
Will there be many kinds?
Yeah, I’m with Gayle. I would buy a t-shirt regardless, but part of my goal would be to make sure that more people learn about Tiger Beatdown.
Meee! Thirding the Tiger Beatdown logo/name thing too. Yes girls will save the internet, but people need to know where to find them!
Me me me! With a vote for a tasteful reference to Tiger Beatdown.
Me! Depending a little on shipping cost.
A thousand times yes, I want one. I might want a thousand. I certainly want, like, at least 2. Awesome.
Oh, me! Me!
I would love to have one.
But can there be some quotes of yours and Amanda. 🙂
You know better your publications than me, so I suppose it will be easier for you to pick the best or most hilarious quotes. 🙂
I do!
I would definitely like one. 🙂
I want one! It will be my new favorite t-shirt! I will wear it to my gym where all the old men I work with also go! And they will stop talking to me when I’m sweaty! Because they’re too busy looking up your blog, Sady! So it should say!
I want one! But I agree that I want one that says TigerBeatdown on it. 🙂
*sigh* Only, you know, with a space between the “Tiger” and the “Beatdown.” As opposed to my awful typing abilities.
I do! I do! And yes, I second (third, forth, fifth) the inclusion of Tiger Beatdown.
I will wear it with my doc martens and listen to bikini kill and it will be awesome….or you know, with my outfits not from the time of riot grrrl, which this reminds me of.
I like the text as-is, but I would also like if it said Tiger Beatdown on it. 🙂
@Everyone: Yay, feedback! We meant to get the first test run of 14 done last night, but due to Photoshop fuckery and learning how to get everything done, we only got the one test t-shirt above completed. And now I know that we need to put a URL on there! So that’s good!
@Stephanie: Best compliment… EVER???
count me in for two!
Wait, could you use CafePress or some such t-shirt making company to make some cash?
i would like them to say somewhere on them so people will ask me “WTF is Tigerbeatdown?”
Also millionth’d on the addition of a Tiger Beatdown logo/URL, and seconded on selling these via Etsy, CafePress, Zazzle, Topatoco, or similar. Monies make the blogs go ’round!
I’d love one that said Tiger Beatdown! You might just need that CafePress store…
Honestly I wouldn’t get that tshirt cos I don’t get the slogan :C I .. uh … cool? Yes? No? What? We will? I don’t know! I’m not one of the cool kids, obvs :C
I would intensely love to have a tshirt from Tiger Beatdown though, so. Uh. Despite my unhelpful commenting, I am watching developments closely! :D??
And I also think selling Tshirts could be a great way to raise funds? Not that I know anything about how it works. Seconding Eneya about quotes: you have lots of great wordiness in this blog here, getting some particularly choice phrases on tshirts would be so cool, if there are any short enough and suitable …
In before someone informing me that “GIRLS WILL SAVE THE INTERNET” is, in fact, a quote from the blog #_# I CAN FEEL IT COMING
I would like one! So much!
I am glad doc martens are the best compliment possibly ever for these shirts. I will most definitely wear them with it.
Also I am with Adrianna. I want to desperately respond to the question “WTF is Tiger Beatdown?”
yesyesyes, pleasepleaseplease.
want want want! 😀
Oooh! I would like a t-shirt please!
I love the handmade, riot grrl awesomeness. Hell yeah, girls will save the internet!
I thought this was pretty hilarious, and would totally buy one
I so desperately want one of these shirts.
I actually like this slogan a lot. It’s mysterious but provocative and would make me feel like part of a cohort of secret girl super heroes.
I want one! I would perhaps want several!
I’d like one with the entire text of your BSG post on it, if we can do reccomendations. I’ve discovered there is not actually an upper limit to the amount of times I will read that post.
Also URL is a good idea!
I want one, but I’m in Sweden, is that a problem? And also, how do you print them? It seems more complicated than it should be.
Awww man, whatever happened with “Nobody puts Sady in a corner”?!?!? This is still awesome though…
I want one so bad, I posted the image on my tumblr. Now three other people might want one too!
and I need one – in Germany…. is that another problem?
loving the beatdown!
I WANT ONE! And ditto the Tiger Beatdown on there somewheres!
Gimme gimme