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Monthly Archives: February 2009

SEXIST BEATDOWN: The Title of This Feature Now Seems Kind of Creepy Edition

Behold! It is upon us once more! THE SINGLE GREATEST AND MOST CULTURALLY RELEVANT CROSS-BLOGGING GCHAT-ENABLED INTERNET EVENT OF ALL TIME (OK, I will stop, I am running out of relevant descriptive terms anyway) featuring: Amanda Hess of Washington City Paper’s The Sexist! And also: me! This week: Chris Brown, the trivialization of domestic violence, […]

Blame the Victim: A Play in Six Acts

So: it really, really looks like Chris Brown beat up a lady. What we basically know – that she had a split lip, two contusions on either side of her forehead, a black eye, and, according to some sources, bite marks; that she is reported to have said that he choked her until she lost […]

"I’m Her Mom." "No, She’s Not!" And Other Brief Diversions

Here is a thing you need to know about me, first of all: sometimes I do not answer my phone. Here is another thing: I love both baby animals and baby humans. My love for baby humans is kind of conditional – I think they are awesome up until about the age of twelve, at […]

No-One On The Corner Has Swagger Like Us; Nor Are They As Pregnant: A Post About Celebrity Fashion

Here we are, folks, deep in the heart of February. Its cruel torments continue unabated; even the weather – the fabulous springlike weather, the golden sunbeams and fair breezes that have imbued me with an irrational conviction that cartoon birds are about to swoop down onto my shoulder and start chirping merrily at my face […]

You Are Going to Die Alone. Want Popcorn?

OMFG! Valentine’s Day is coming!!!!! Do you have a date yet? I do, because I am better than you. You are probably a sad, loveless old spinster who fritters away her precious childbearing years doing things like “working” and “making friends” and “discovering a cure for cancer.” Ha ha ha, you are pathetic. No need […]

SEXIST BEATDOWN: Now With Extra Palin!

Ladies, gentlemen: the Internet is a wondrous place. It can, for example, allow you to speak with people you like! It can deliver to you big chunky nuggets of Palin, for your consumption! It can totally break down and make Sexist Beatdown a little bit late, sorry. However! It has arrived! THE SINGLE GREATEST AND […]

WHAT DOES SARA’S MOM THINK? A Feature which Is Long Overdue

Dude: my mom is the best. You may think I am only saying this because she is my mom! Yet that is only partially true. She is my mom, and should be applauded for that achievement, but is also an awesome lady – awesome to the extent that, whenever I find myself in a troubling […]

Right, Guys, Because of Gay?

Ah, the travails of modern life. On an almost daily basis, I am confronted with the fact that Amanda Marcotte is smarter and funnier than she has any right to be, most recently in her write-up of this poop: And here she is: I laughed out loud watching it, and then I felt angry about […]


“It’s like a journal. The only difference is you hit ‘publish,’ and everyone gets to read it.” Oh, if only we all had such journals! Journals… that were LIVE. Imagine it, my friends!

A Tale of Two Trampolines; Also, Vaginas

My goodness, reading the news is hard. All day, every day, I engage myself in the tedious and unprofitable business of news-reading, attempting to extricate some random series of coherent thoughts from it in order that I might bore you, the reader. Sometimes, when I am reading the news, I read Jezebel, or Salon! Today, […]