You guys, Tiger Beatdown is a blog. And, on this blog, we have a comment section! Sometimes the comment section is pretty interesting. And sometimes, the comment section gives us some shit like this! From “Freddie”:
I would ordinarily never, ever do this self-linking deal, but this post kind of compels it.
Look, I have to tell you: your whole enterprise here, the whole long and short of it, appears to be an edifice designed to give you a platform that paws at discourse while denying the possibility of you ever getting called on anything. I mean the whole apparatus of the place. It’s like this constant recursion of LOLspeak/serious speak/LOLspeak, this Russian dolls style thing you’re so enamored with. It’s just a mechanism to introduce a self-limiting aspect on what you want to say; you want to be heard and to be taken seriously, but you want the out to be able to say that you were just goofing. Well, goof away, it’s the Internet, and it’s your dime, but understand that you are denying intellectual rigor when you do so.
This is your space, your place of power, and you can define it any particular way you choose. I am not particularly impressed with this post or the assumptions that undergird it, but mostly I am unimpressed with your defense mechanisms. Say what you have to say. I do, I have, and I will.
You guys, I think Freddie is unimpressed with our deeply unserious, unfeminist tomfoolery! But, SINCE FREDDIE ASKED, there are a few reasons why Tiger Beatdown has jokes on it. AND THEY ARE:
1. We present serious, and subversive, and controversial subject matter here. More or less continually. We also make jokes. This is because serious, subversive, controversial subject matter tends to bore people, or scare them. If people are bored or scared, then they’re not learning. When they read Tiger Beatdown, they are entertained. They end up learning through the serious, subversive, and controversial points presented over the course of that entertainment. Also, they don’t feel like someone just had to shove a pill down their throats. We sneak it into the applesauce instead. Who doesn’t like applesauce, really?
2. The primary provider of content to this site is me, Sady Doyle. I’m continually looking for people to delegate to, to bring more content onto the site so that I can have or look for other jobs without Tiger Beatdown going blank, but the fact is, I have found some people, and the vast majority of the work published on the site is still written by me. Therefore, the site, being largely comprised of work by me, reflects my personality. And I make jokes.
Here’s the thing: I’m a person who gets scared or sad or angry a lot. I feel these emotions very intensely. I’m a passionate person, and I’m also a person whose experience of the world has been, at times, almost unbearably hard. I’m not going to tell you how or why, Freddie, because — among other reasons — I am keenly aware of the fact that I owe you jack shit, but if you have ever wondered if the more common and violent mechanisms for enforcing women’s oppression have affected me, personally, the answer is: Yep! And, like a lot of people who are oppressed in violent ways, I didn’t have the power to stop it or to erase it from my history. I was, in a sense, powerless. But then, at around the age of eleven or twelve, when things started getting really hard, I figured out that I did have one kind of power, after all.
My power was that I could make jokes.
I mean, not out loud. I would have been punished or hurt for that. But I could tell myself jokes, privately. I could make myself laugh. And I figured out that, when things got scary or sad or infuriating, when I was on the verge of being overwhelmed, I could make myself feel safer and more in control — I could, in the vernacular, empower myself — by making myself laugh about it. I could laugh at myself; I could laugh at the situation; I could laugh at the people who were hurting me. And I could console myself with the fact that I was far more powerful than the people who hurt me could imagine; they thought they were in charge, they thought they were going to destroy me, they thought I existed to be used and hurt and cast aside, but what they didn’t know was that I was laughing at them, the whole way through. I saw through them, I saw precisely how weak and ridiculous and pathetic they were, and I thought it was fucking hilarious. They were the chumps. They were my entertainment.
And so, I honed the art of making myself laugh. And, after about twenty-five or twenty-six years on the planet, having honed this skill, I registered a blog on Blogspot. And I didn’t tell any of my friends about it, because I thought my politics might be too out-there for most of the folks I knew. But what I did, on this blog, was to type out some of the jokes I told myself, over the course of a day. And then, suddenly, more or less unexpectedly, people started reading.
And now, Freddie? Now, I’m Sady fucking Doyle. Of Tiger fucking Beatdown. Which gets roughly one hundred fucking thousand pageviews per month. And if you don’t like my jokes, motherfucker, then what you can do is, you can just. Fucking. LIVE WITH IT. Because these jokes, this secret little mode of resistance that I developed because I had no other options, have become the way I pay my rent. And neither you nor your various Serious Theory Friends nor God himself nor ANYTHING short of my own unexpected and sudden death in a car accident can fucking stop me. This is maybe self-aggrandizing, but you know what? I’m fine with that. I made myself who I am today, and she’s a pretty fucking great lady to be. And the thing is, if you can work harder than I have, if you can write better than I can, if you can equal or surpass my accomplishment, I’ll aggrandize you, too. God knows I don’t hesitate to sing the praises of people like, I dunno, Choire Sicha or Jessica Valenti or Jill Filipovic or Josh Fruhlinger or Clay Shirky, all of whom have done way better work than I have. But you can’t do even as well as I have, Freddie. Can you? Which is part of this whole deal. You’re not better than me, and it makes you sad.
Tough shit, dude. And don’t fucking come for my jokes because you think it’s where I’m vulnerable. Jokes are how I’ve survived, and jokes are why I’m here, and jokes are the one thing I won’t give up. Because, as it turns out, that whole “jokes = power” thing wasn’t just some crazy consolation prize I made up in my head, after all.
3. I do it to piss you off.
It didn’t miss my attention, Freddie, that the jokes you specifically took exception to were about creepy dudes pretending to be feminist to get laid. Or, that you took exception to them because they made you think that the two feminists who made the jokes, Amanda Hess and I, might not sleep with you even though you are totes feminist and stuff:
I guess what I’m saying is that I am thinking about that date that Amanda and Sady are talking about. If I went on that date, with either or them, they would indeed find themselves on a date with a feminist. But as I am a feminist whose feminism is not a product of feeling obliged to any particular women or to some vague category called “women,” but rather to the principles of equality and human liberation which inform and support feminism, they are unlikely to find me the kind of feminist whose feminism is guaranteed or even likely to please or flatter them. What I wonder is, what if their questions reveal a man who is a feminist that has ideas about feminism that differs from theirs? And what if that feminist man isn’t inclined to back down from his position in an attempt to please them?
There are a few answers to this question, Freddie. The first is that I am never, ever, EVER going to fuck you, and Amanda has had a boyfriend for approximately forever as I understand it, and I have a boyfriend TOO but would STILL avoid fucking you were that not the case, so you REALLY don’t need to worry about how this theoretical feminist date of ours might go. It would always end with you not getting fucked, is the answer. From the massively whingy tone of your post, I get the sense that this is not an unfamiliar experience. But if there were something I could do for you that was the OPPOSITE of fucking you, I might do that. Like, maybe feed you saltpeter so that your all-important feminist erection ceases to exist and/or become a determining factor for how you will allow women to talk about their own oppression: I would do that, on your magical Fantasy Date With Sady. Because dudes like you make me understand ladies like Valerie Solanas, for real. Because when I think about the above paragraph, my pussy fucking ceases to produce all moisture, possibly forever. You are, Freddie, as far as I am concerned, literally unfuckable by any stretch of the imagination. So, there’s that question, answered.
The second answer hinges on the first, and ends with a question mark just basically because I can do that, and it is: How the HELL can you presume to describe yourself as a feminist, Freddie? Like, how the fuck do you listen to two women talking about an experience, of feminism, and confirming with each other that they’ve both had similar experiences, and write a post about how they are not being considerate enough to men, and still sign off as a fucking feminist man at the end of the day? You’re not. You are not a feminist. You have, actually, nothing to contribute to feminist discourse. Because, still, the experiences of women are less important to you than how eager those women are to accomodate your personal fucking boner. You want to be a feminist, Freddie? Listen closely, because I’m about to tell you how:
I mean it. SHUT THE FUCK UP, Freddie. Shut the fuck up and let the big girls talk. Because we know way more about this than you. And every time you want to pitch in with an observation? Shut the fuck up a little bit harder. And maybe, after a few years or decades or whatever, you might have absorbed enough from listening to people with actual feminist insight (possibly related to their actually being women) to contribute productively to the conversation. But, in the meantime, actual feminists are going to get a lot more done, simply by virtue of not having to listen to the ungodly noise that comes out of your mouth. Truly, Freddie: You should shut the fuck up. Shutting the fuck up is, in fact, the biggest contribution you can make to the feminist cause.
Also, delete your blog. Because it is, can I tell you, just awful.
4. I tell jokes because it’s my blog, motherfucker. And I decide what gets published on my blog. We publish some dudes! Some ladies! Me! All selected for their skills at making jokes that enlighten the reader as to the nature and mechanisms of oppression! I tend to think, for all of the reasons listed above, we are doing the public a service. A feminist service, in fact!
Oh, hey, speaking of: I’ve been shy about this, because I’ve been looking for other work lately and have therefore not been posting as much, but I do believe it is Tiger Beatdown Pledge Drive Time! AGAIN. Yes, it’s that very special time of the every-two-months-or-so when you can donate money to Tiger Beatdown to keep it financially viable and running as a site. (And if I ever make enough money to live from it, it will be the ONLY site I work on, hence more posts.) This time, we are having a Tiger Beatdown Pledge Drive with a special purpose! Donate as much money as you can, or as much as you can reasonably manage, and I promise — PROMISE — to report how much I make. Because the amount of money I make will determine the minimum number of jokes I am contractually and ethically obligated to make on Tiger Beatdown over the course of the next year. You donate a thousand dollars? I have to make a thousand jokes! Two dollars? I have to make two jokes! And so on! And so forth!
You guys, it is an experiment. A feminist experiment. And I entitle this feminist experiment, “Let’s See How Many People Think Freddie Is Wrong.” Here’s the button, where you can demonstrate his wrongness!
Press if you don’t care about Freddie’s boners. For real.
It turns out, Freddie did not just spring full-fledged from the earth like a malevolent Rumplestiltskin of blog comments! According to Megan Carpentier, formerly of Jezebel, Freddie is in fact immediately identifiable by his writing style. He is Freddie de Boer, who cares so intensely about Freddie’s de Boners that he likes to (a) get himself banned from lady sites, (b) personally e-mail Megan Carpentier (at the least!) to share his thoughts on how mean she is, and (c) have his e-mail address — — posted on the Internet. Also, the conservative web magazine to which he contributes accepts donations! Who wants to give Freddie de “” Bo(n)er’s employers negative donations? It is pretty easy! It turns out!
Also: Thanks, Megan.
Hey all…don’t worry, just don’t pay any mind to this Freddie character (who, when I checked out his blogspot, appeared to be wearing a straitjacket in his profile shot – it wasn’t, but I thought it looked appropriate) and hopefully he’ll dry up and blow away. He is setting us up to freak out and that’s exactly what he wants. I think his blog is hilarious and if you look at it as a parody, it’s like reading an episode of MadTV.
And here I thought it was a play on Amanda Palmer and her originally self-deprecating but now pretty overwhelmingly egotistic habit of referring to herself as Amanda Fucking Palmer.
But Sady Fucking Doyle is, in fact, fucking awesome.
Totally in love with this post. And, I might add, I am totally in love with the censorship of people who Just Don’t Get It, considering how hard they’re trying to censor the righteous anger that is this post. Keep it up, Sady fucking Doyle!
[BONER] THWARTERS, all of you!
OMCC I swear I miss the best stuff since you made the Oh So Sad adult decision and closed your tumblr…
If this post isn’t the #1 hit on Google for “boners” I don’t think we are trying hard enough.
And fuck off, I “damn I wish I had a quarter of Sady fucking Doyle’s self confidence”.
My sister hates applesauce for that very reason. Throughout her early childhood, my parents fed her her foul-tasting leukemia meds mixed in applesauce.
@Robin: Awwwww, I’m sorry.
The edited posts are absolutely hilarious.
I’m laughing all anew upon re-reading Freddie’s words:
But as I am a feminist whose feminism is not a product of feeling obliged to any particular women or to some vague category called “women,” but rather to the principles of equality and human liberation which inform and support feminism,
His feminism isn’t about actual real women, got it? Also, feminism that considers actual real individual women is not about equality, it’s just about “feeling obliged” to “women”. Whatever that means. I suspect it’s another way of saying “pussywhipped”.
*wipes away tears of laughter, stirs up home-made chocolate pudding for Robin’s sister*
This reminds me of that time David Krum came on Rachel Maddow’s show and deviated from the pre-interview because he wanted to pretend he was there to talk about Afghanistan (IIRC), and then said Rachel was harming the discourse by not being serious enough. As I recall, the takedown the next night was epic, but still not quite as epic as this.
tl;dr: this is made of win.
Just a note to inform you that I, Freddie’s [BONER] have left him. He’s a big enough dick without me, handsome and functional though I may be.
The turning point was when I realized that every time [BONER] appeared in a comment, it’d happen again… Freddie’s hand slipping beneath the elastic for a quick stroke or two. I mean, Ewww!
In disassociating myself from Freddie, I wish to make it know to all, for all time, that I don’t hang around with pompous pricks.
Sady, I love you and you win the internet. Off to make donation now. Wish it could be more.
Aww, Robert gave you a complimant!
There may be a difference between being self-confident and being narcissistic — but Sady is in fact more awesome than she realizes. She’s being quite modest, actually. Sit down “Wanda” and read along for awhile – you’ll see.
I agree – Sady does win the internet. This is my favoritest blog post ever.
Also, I want to thank Shinobi for the phrase “4 person douche canoe.” I promise to give you credit the next eleventy-hundred times I use that phrase.
Donated… this post is RIGHTEOUS.
The comment he makes in the third point reminds me of this comic. Very classy, and oh-so feminist.
I think what sticks in my craw about all of this is the sexualization of men’s perceived motives. Do you really think all guys are just trying to get laid?
@Andrew: I’m so fucking tired of getting this question that I’m publishing your comment specifically so that I can have an answer on record. Freddie MADE IT ABOUT THE DATES, by writing that he wondered what Amanda and I would be like, ON A DATE. The thought of sexualizing Freddie would not otherwise have crossed my mind. And a quick search of “feminism” on his blog reveals that ALL BUT ONE of his posts about it (the ones that aren’t about me) are about dating women, worrying that women won’t date him, or worrying that women aren’t attracted to certain types of men. FREDDIE MADE IT ABOUT DATING. FREDDIE MADE IT ABOUT SEX. I just read his post and pointed out the obvious. And now am getting blamed for it, and being told that my views of Freddie reflect my views of “all guys.”
Freddie, by the way, also MADE IT ABOUT “ALL GUYS,” by assuming to speak for “all guys” or trying to cloak his very obvious self-interest in terms of a conversation about “men” in the feminist movement. Whereas I have, very clearly, and very publicly, both published and praised men. This isn’t hard to find out: There are literally three fucking examples of it, on the front page of this blog, from the last week alone. Freddie acted as if my response to Freddie WAS ABOUT ALL MEN, blatantly defying the public, published, clearly visible, OBVIOUS EVIDENCE THAT CLEARLY DISPROVED HIS STATEMENTS, and you and other commenters followed suit. So, again, in all-caps: IT WAS CLEARLY NOT ABOUT ALL MEN. BECAUSE I WORK WITH, AND LIKE, SEVERAL MEN. We are about to publish news of the two new people we’ve hired, and, SPOILER: THEY ARE BOTH MEN. Bringing us to a total staff head count of four people, two women, and two men. The gender makeup of our staff IS LITERALLY FUCKING EXACTLY EQUALLY COMPOSED OF WOMEN AND MEN, at this point.
And there is no point in my even typing out this comment, and telling you you’re wrong. Because you didn’t read the post where I addressed exactly this question, in detail, and you are probably going to misread or not read this comment, and you are probably going to act as if I haven’t said any of this, and to ignore the evidence against you, and to talk about how I am “sexualizing” “all guys.” Whereas I am literally, clearly, obviously speaking about one guy, Freddie, using evidence from Freddie’s work. To assume that Freddie stands in for men, or stands for men, or represents all men, is AN INSULT TO MEN. Not that any of the male commenters who have chimed in to defend him seem to have taken notice of this fact.
Sady, i feel you perfectly crystallise the angry thoughts vaugely floating around many lady people’s heads when absolute fucking douches like this freddie kid start up with their bullshit, except unlike me you are able to express it much more eloquently than ‘erm…fuck you’. Your tirade was righteous!! I love what you do- reading your blog is starting to give me the words to put guys like this where they belong. You’re an inspiration dude!
::speechless, applauds::
Wow, Sady. This is awe inspiring. I am adopting this as my motto: “I made myself who I am today, and she’s a pretty fucking great lady to be.”
Can I just say? This is one of the single most awesome blog posts I’ve read in a very long time.
Sady, you articulated the anger, no, the RAGE, I’ve been feeling for many long years.
I think that men like Freddy Boner are justifiably afraid of our anger because I fantasise about a day when women all over the world simply cannot take it. one. day. longer. I hope I live to see that day.
Be afraid Freddy. Be very afraid.
As a penis possessor (and lifelong recipient of a lot of kinds of privilege). I want to thank Sady, now and in the past, for opportunities to learn about unknowing things that people from groups that-are-trained-to-be-oppressors do. Commenters from this blog posts on Freddie’s blog were helpful too. I came for the Dollhouse, stayed for the jokes and take home anti-oppression.
Note to Freddie and Andrew – I got to learn these things by listening.
You rock in all ways possible.
And I’m going to be giggling about [BONERS] for days.
joking is about confidence and claiming status and demanding attention, and there’s a reason women are underrepresented in comedy circles all over the country- keep joking, for the love of God, Sady, and thank you Freddie for being such a good punchline!
Whaaaaaat? What a bizarre idea!
I want to be just like Sady Fucking Doyle when I grow up.
Our anger is valuable, and our humor is valuable. And some douchebag will always find fault with either one of them, hm? What you’ve said really RESONATES with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Little-known fact: in the Oxford English Dictionary, the entry for “WIN” simply says “See ‘DOYLE, SADY.'”
C’mon, folks, all this talk of [BONERS] and *nobody* has mentioned Batman Boner-fest?
I keep hearing “[Boners]” in that low-pitched voice on Dizzee Rascal’s “Bonkers”.
I wake up, every day is a daydream …”
hahaha yes dude
Here from Shapely Prose. From this day forth, whenever fail is uttered in my presence I shall silently block it out and replace it with [BONERS]. This was phenomenal, Sady–thank you a million times over.
Wanda @142
Freddie’s blog is that way. You might want to check it out.
A. Fucking Mazing. I laughed riotously and then donated.
Still boggles me that people don’t understand how important a tool humour is. Not just because of how efficiently it educates but because if I’m not laughing about it I’m going to cry, and I’m going to cry every fucking day.
Right the fuck on, Sady fucking Doyle.
If you will keep that lil donation button active till I get paid, I can dig around for change to buy some nice jokes, thank you. By now, after all the great comments, all I have to do is type that dreaded word, and y’all are gonna fall down and hurt y’selves laughing.
Yep, I’m gonna do it.
I’m gonna crack a *running gag.*
Wow, that Freddie really likes to talk about his [BONERS.]
“We present serious, and subversive, and controversial subject matter here. More or less continually. We also make jokes. This is because serious, subversive, controversial subject matter tends to bore people, or scare them. If people are bored or scared, then they’re not learning. When they read Tiger Beatdown, they are entertained. They end up learning through the serious, subversive, and controversial points presented over the course of that entertainment. Also, they don’t feel like someone just had to shove a pill down their throats. We sneak it into the applesauce instead. Who doesn’t like applesauce, really?”
Oh my god, I laughed so freaking at this passage and that whole ‘De Boners” thing.
At the risk of losing whatever credibility I have as a blogger, Tigerbeatdown is like my person in the most Grey’s Anatomy of ways.
also the term “sexualizing freddie” sounds like one of those bad ladyprons sold at “sex parties”.
Freddie should really go get that checked out. Priapism isn’t good for anyone.
First-time commenter here, and new to the blog. I surfed over here via some other feminist blogs that were inspired by your takedown of Freddie and his [BONERS] to write posts about owning your own accomplishments without qualification or self-degradation (ala “I’m Sady fucking Doyle.”)
Well, I had to go see the original. You had me giggling from the start, but when I read the “I’m Sady fucking Doyle” paragraph, (and this is going to sound so corny that I might barf) it brought a fucking tear to my eye. I felt uplifted. I felt inspired to stop checking myself every time I try to take credit for my own accomplishments.
I don’t know a damn thing about you, Sady Doyle, (though I hope to improve upon that by reading through all your archives) but I know that you are fucking awesome.
OMG, [BONERS] made me laugh so hard my boyfriend thought I was going to hurt myself. So much win.
I am laughing uncontrollably at the fact that, every third comment or so, “Freddie” TRIES TO COMMENT AGAIN.
*So* donated-to.
I’m Liz fucking Henry and I adore this post and all that you say! Holy OMG Ponies!!!!!11!!!!!!! Rant on sister!
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[…] 23, 2010 So: what totally does not work? Trying to watch Sarah Haskins and/or read hilarious feminist brilliance while ghostwriting SRS BIZNIZ posts for law firm blogs. LOL@FAIL + nursing home negligence = DOES […]
[…] an excellent reason for this: when we do, we are, invariably, attacked. We are women, and although we are apparently supposed to do all the […]
[…] to hold their attention and have their ideas validated but some are not? I think I’ve heard that […]